Last updated: May 2024

Ongoing initiatives

QREF and Bartiq

At PsiQuantum I’m developing two libraries for Quantum Resource Estimation:

  • QREF – a data format for QRE applications
  • Bartiq – engine for performing symbolic QREs

QRE community

After IEEE QW 2023 I decided to start a community centered around Quantum Resource Estimation. If you’d like to join, please send me an e-mail at!

If you’d like to learn more about what QRE is all about, I recommend this intro paper as well as summary of the workshops.

Past projects

An Abstraction Hierarchy Toward Productive Quantum Programming

Together with a group of people involved in the “Programming Models in QC” workshop mentioned below, we’ve written a paper on the topic of programming models in QC. We tried to articular why current way of writing quantum programs is flawed and what’s a better way to think about the topic.

IEEE Quantum Week 2023

I helped organizing the following events during IEEE Quantum Week 2023:

QAOA Landscapes paper

Together with my co-authors (Laura Gao, Boniface Yogendran, Enrico Fontana, Manuel Rudolph), we have written a paper where we tried to understand what’s the relationship between the Hamilotnian and QAOA landscape.

Mentorship Program at QOSF

I was managing a mentorship program at Quantum Open Source Foundation (QOSF). You can find more information about it on the project’s website or in this blogpost with some backstory.


I was an active developer of the scientific software for Orquestra – the workflow platform for quantum computing that we’re developing at Zapata. You can find the code on Zapata’s github and more information about Orquestra in the docs.

Quantum Research Seminars Toronto

It’s a joint initiative by Zapata Computing and Matter Lab (Alán Aspuru-Guzik’s group). Together with Alba Cervera Lierta we host a series of online meetings for QC research community. You can follow us on Twitter and find recordings of the past events on YouTube.


Together with Manuel Rudolph and some other Zapatistas, we’ve written a library for visualization of high-dimensional optimization spaces. I was responsible mainly for the software design and research on QAOA.

Repo and paper.

Q4Climate - preliminary assessment

As Q4Climate initiative we have written a preliminary assessment on how quantum technologies could be used to mitigate climate change. You can find it here.

An application benchmark for fermionic quantum simulations

At Zapata I’ve been helping with the research on, well, application benchmark for fermionic quantum simulations. Basically, we tried to answer the question: “How can you tell measure whether given device is good for simulating solid state physics.”. I was involved mostly in implementation and results analysis.

You can find our paper here.


I’ve implemented Variational Quantum Factoring - an algorithm by Eric Anschuetz et al. from Zapata Computing. It uses QAOA to solve the integer factoring problem. In this repository you can find both the implementation and accompanying research and here’s my presentation about the project

Traveling Salesman Problem

My activity on TSP consisted of several parts:

The first part is a solver - it uses grove to solve TSP given distances between cities.

After that I packed it into a series of tutorials, to make it easier for others to develop similar projects.

There used to be also an online demo accompanied by a blogpost, which solved the TSP using D-Wave machine. Unfortunately it stopped working some time ago, but the source code is available here .